Bridge the Gap

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Teen Mentoring During COVID: Supporting Our Nation's Youth

The pandemic has taken its toll on everyone, including teens and young adults. If you have a teenager in your home, you may have noticed that they’re feeling anxious, bored or frustrated lately. This is a normal response to the changes that have happened - remote learning, cancelled sports, less social interaction and missed milestones. All of this uncertainty is bound to have its effect on kids and teens. 

Even though the pandemic has changed the way we interact with people, emotional support is still crucial for our nation’s youth. This is a scary and confusing time, making it even more important for young people to connect with others, especially mentors. 

Teen mentors are not just for kids “going down the wrong path.” These individuals can be especially helpful when navigating change, adjusting to new routines, calming anxiety and more. Below is more information on teen mentoring during COVID-19, what to expect and where to find this support for your child. 

Importance of Teen Mentoring Services During COVID

Like most of us, teens had their lives turned upside down last March by the coronavirus. The difference between teens and adults is that teens have an adolescent brain that is still growing. The prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for critical thinking and impulse control, does not stop growing until about 25 years of age. This means that teens need additional support in terms of regulation, sleeping patterns and use of time and technology. 

Due to the pandemic, many students have lost the structure of school and sports. Some have had to fend for themselves as their parents struggle with their own problems in relation to the pandemic. As a result, many teens have taken on more responsibility with caring for siblings, doing housework and working part-time jobs. All of this extra pressure is stressful, especially because the teenage brain isn’t prepared for it. 

Without professional support, some teens might fall behind in school, struggle more with their self-esteem or be at a higher risk for mental illness or suicide. Bottom line: Teens need access to healthy coping support. Below are some of the ways that a teen mentor can help your teen during the pandemic:

  • Increase high school graduation rates. This is especially important now that more students are learning remotely. A mentor can help your teen with their classes and prevent them from dropping out or losing interest. 

  • Healthier attitudes. Many teens are struggling to stay positive during these times. With mentorship, they can develop healthier lifestyle choices and relationships that boost their mood and change their perspective. 

  • Improved behavior. When teen mentors make kids feel like they matter, it reduces delinquency and destructive behavior. Hiring a teen mentor can help your child feel like a part of something bigger, and this is a driving force behind better behavior. 

  • Stronger relationships. Mentors do an excellent job of helping teens work through self-esteem issues so they can navigate their peer relationships better. They might role play social situations, talk about peer pressure or offer an alternative perspective. 

  • Improved interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are traits people rely on when they communicate and interact with others. Thankfully, mentors help teens develop their interpersonal skills, giving them more confidence and better control over their emotions. 

  • Decreased likelihood of using drugs or alcohol. With greater self-confidence and a better understanding of how to handle social situations, teens with mentors are less likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol. 

How Mentors Work with Teens 

Teen mentoring services are available in different forms to meet your needs. At Bridge the Gap, we understand that not all families are comfortable with face-to-face interactions right now. We definitely understand this! For these families, we recommend our telementoring services that take place online. These services are designed to provide support, structure and accountability for teens from the comfort of home.

For families that are open to having their kids meet with a mentor in person, be aware that we are following the CDC’s recommendations for masks and social distancing. Our teen mentors work closely with teens on the following: 

  • Time management 

  • Self-care skills

  • Vocational skills

  • Academic skills 

  • Personal skills 

  • Engaging in 12-step meetings 

  • Emotional support

  • And much more! 

All mentoring services are personalized to each teen’s needs. Please let us know what you want your teen to focus on and we will determine the ways we can help and have a positive influence on their lives during an unprecedented time. 

Where to Find Teen Mentoring Services 

Teen mentoring services are found through a number of organizations, including Bridge the Gap. Our therapeutic mentors provide consulting support to teens and families as they navigate the twists and turns of everyday life. With the changes the pandemic has brought us, more families are finding value in our services. 

To learn more about our teen mentoring or parent coaching services and how they can benefit your family, contact Bridge the Gap today