Goal Setting: Why it's Important and How to Take Action

It’s important to have goals in your life. Why? Because they give you direction, allow you to measure progress and motivate you to do your best. Without goals, it’s easy to procrastinate and get nothing done at all! 

As beneficial as it is to have goals, many people struggle with this. It can be hard to set realistic goals, and even harder to follow through with them. In fact, some people get so wrapped up in the end result, they end up having anxiety!

If you or your loved one is struggling to establish and follow through with goals, it’s possible that a therapeutic mentor can help. 

Why is it Important to Set Goals? 

Having goals is like having a roadmap for your life. You know where you’re heading and how to get there. And if you veer off course, you know how to find your way back onto the route. 

Most people are happy with simple goals, and that’s okay, especially if you’re recovering from a substance use disorder or mental health disorder. There is no reason to complicate your goals - simple goals are just as important as big goals. 

Let’s look at some of the reasons why setting goals is an important part of life: 

  • Provide yourself with direction. Rather than moving in circles and getting nowhere, you have clear paths that you’re following. You also know what things to put your energy into. 

  • Make your life more interesting. Do you ever feel like you’re just moving through the day? Having goals makes your days more meaningful because you’re always moving closer to your desired outcome.

  • Focus your mind on a target. Without goals, you may continue to start projects that you never finish. To accomplish something worthwhile, you must be able to focus your attention on something specific. 

  • Create confidence. When you complete your goal (or the steps leading up to the goal), you can cross it off and enjoy a sense of accomplishment. This gives you confidence and purpose in your life. 

Tips for Setting Realistic, Achievable Goals (That Will Make You Feel Good About Yourself!)

Knowing how to set goals can be difficult, especially if you’ve always struggled in this area of your life. But it can be done, and once you learn how to be an effective goal setter, you’ll look at life much differently! 

Remember, therapeutic mentoring services can help you set goals for yourself. This is not something you have to do on your own, and it’s never too late to learn! Here are some tips for setting realistic goals that will build confidence. 

  • Choose something to work toward. Maybe you want to find a new job, earn enough money to support your family or find love. Make sure you choose something that YOU want. 

  • Write down your goal. Writing down your goal will help you stick with it. Be specific about how you’re going to reach your goal and when you’d like to achieve it. 

  • Tell someone. It can be a friend, family member or therapeutic mentor. Telling someone about your goal makes you more likely to follow through. 

  • Break down your goal. Think about the smaller goals you have to reach in order to get to the big goal. Breaking down these steps makes it easier to reach your goals and gives you feelings of success along the way! 

  • Celebrate. When you reach your goals, be sure to celebrate them! This sense of accomplishment is a great feeling! You can also take note of what worked for you so that you can apply it in the future. 

How a Therapeutic Mentor Can Help with Goal Setting 

If you’re struggling to set and follow through with healthy goals, it can help to work with a therapeutic mentor. This professional will develop an individualized support plan based on your needs. In addition to this, a mentor can assist with other areas of your life such as managing work or school responsibilities and staying on top of tasks. 

At Bridge The Gap, our therapeutic mentoring services work with clients to help them live a full life. Part of being a productive adult is setting goals and carrying through with them. Contact our therapeutic mentors today to discuss your needs for our tailored services. 


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