At Bridge The Gap Services, we recognize that each individual has specific needs and areas that they need support in. We passionately believe that one size does not fit all. Engagement with a therapeutic mentor allows for completely customized and specific care.

Upon assessment, each individual is matched with a mentor specific to their needs, personality, and goals. We believe that the therapeutic rapport and the comfort and trust developed between the individual and their mentor is the most imperative recipe to the success in this unique process.

At the beginning of this journey, clients and mentors identify measurable short term and long term goals. They then collaborate to break down these goals into attainable steps and work towards reaching them.

We have found and confidently believe that the mentorship process provides a strong relational foundation to help our clients navigate challenges in a healthy manner, increase self-esteem and self-confidence, and find balance between developing autonomy and being mindful of their responsibilities and commitments.

Mentors support clients in developing and/or strengthening:

☑ Academic/Vocational Skills ➤ Time Management, Job Interview Tactics, Personal Organization, Development & Execution of Balanced Schedule

☑ Executive Functioning ➤ Assignment Management, Healthy Study Habits, Attainable Academic Goals

☑ Self-Care Routines ➤ Developing Healthy Hobbies, Finding Passion(s), Setting Healthy Boundaries

☑ Additional Skills ➤ Setting Measurable Goals, Socials Skills, Emotional Support, Utilization of Community Resources

Teen Mentoring

  • Academics, peer pressures, friendships and hormones can be extremely challenging to navigate for teens and their parents. Although there are informative and informational guides to moving through the teenage years successfully, reading versus applying these suggestions are entirely different actions.

  • Teen mentors act as hands-on guides to support teens and their families in finding a healthy balance between school, friends, self-care and family time. If needed, mentors provide each individual with a planner to visually organize and prioritize their schedules while following through with their responsibilities and reaching their goals. If an individual is struggling with focus, completing homework or taking tests, mentors will supply them with helpful tools and necessary resources to work through these challenges.

  • For teens struggling with peer pressures and friendships, mentors will act as a daily support to help them process challenging emotions and stressors while developing and utilizing healthy coping strategies. A teen mentor that is relatable and acts as ‘their person’ can provide teens with a safe person to confide in and process the many challenges of being a teenager in today’s world.

  • Teen mentors will support teens and their families in setting and implementing healthy boundaries necessary to maintaining a healthy and communicative home environment

Young Adults

  • Launching into adulthood can be a daunting task. This precious period is a time to develop autonomy, identify a path, and move towards it. Whether an individual decides to enter the workforce, attend college, or take a gap year after finishing high school, developing a new routine and structure can be a difficult adjustment that requires additional support.

  • It is common for young adults to struggle to determine their next steps as they are entering into unchartered territory and have many options to sift through. Our mentors help them identify the life they want for themselves, plan their next steps, and create an action plan to move towards that life.